Music Marketing & PR
Serving the Needs of The Music Industry for Over 30 Years!
- 360° Campaigns -
Rock 'n Retail's 20+ Years in Music Marketing & Over 30 Years in the Industry Has Afforded us Relationships & Alliances With The Top Music Industry Professionals in the Business. For our 360° Campaigns, we Gather the Appropriate Team for You and Then Quarterback the Team's Efforts Every Step of the Way.
360° campaigns are customized to each artist. The campaign schematic takes into account where the artist is currently (established or brand new) and what the goals are. We devise a timeline over an initial 6 months that may include any or all of the following music marketing services:
- Logo development
- Website development and management
- CD manufacturing
- Contests to gain fans
- Managing fan database
- Premiums to obtain fans
- Social site maintenance
-Social media marketing
- Music marketing/blogging
- Gig (geographic) marketing and PR
- Traditional PR
- Online PR
- eblasts (consumer, trade and/or press)
- Radio promotion (outsourced)
- Distributor contract and maintenance for physical and digital goods (outsourced)
- Non-traditional hard goods marketing (outsourced)
- Retail marketing
- National retail sales
- Indie retail sales
- In-store performances
- In-mall performances
- Cable/PPV licensing
- Merch sourcing and manufacturing
- DJ Pool Distribution (outsourced)
- Audio and Video Lifestyle campaigns
- Spot Buys and Promotions on Radio Stations
And more services, depending on the need of the Client
Contact Us...
Based on your goals and budget,
we will provide you with a proposal
Rock 'n Retail, LLC / Web 'n Retail
Music Marketing Experts
Social Media Marketing Experts
eMail: WebnRetail@cs.com
Company Information:
Click here for a Partial List of Projects
Click here for Case Studies and Project Results
Click here for Comments from our Clients
Visit Web 'n Retail's Website - www.WebNRetail.net
Visit Rock 'n Retail's Website - www.RockNRetail.net